Sunday, August 12, 2012

So Much to Share...

Leading a busy life I've found myself really needing some help.  So I posted a message on my facebook page seeking help from anyone interested in being a part of this journey :)  I was surprised at how many people from around the north island were really interested in lending a hand :)  In the end I chose an awesome woman who has proven to be such a blessing.  Uaina has helped me with so much and I look forward to many more opportunities that we will both see throughout this year :)

I have just completed my 8th wedding this year !!! Wow!!!  I still have another 8 to!! Am truly blessed.  I have such a waiting list also from families wanting potraits done.  I had decided to no longer take on Events as I'm finding that my "eye" can best serve my clients in what I feel I can deliver on and that is weddings and portraits.

There is so much to share with you all that includes updating this website ...eeek.  I'm sorry for taking so long.  It's been a crazy year!! Having also returned to full-time work.  Yes I love my day job too :) but also finishing off my studies and the work that my husband and I do in our church's youth ministry is overwhelming to some but to us, it's more action than talk.

We are truly blessed with all that we have and all that is yet to come.  And for that I am truly thankful.

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey.  I hope to one day meet you and your gorgeous family.


Check out my facebook page for the latest albums :) xx